Individual Donors

The Aerodrome – An exhibition dedicated to the memory of Michael Stanley, 2019

Outset is proud to have supported THE AERODROME, an exhibition dedicated to the memory of Michael Stanley and structured loosely on Rex Warner’s 1941 wartime novel The Aerodrome, at Ikon Gallery.

Michael Stanley was curator of Ikon before becoming Director of Milton Keynes Gallery, then Modern Art Oxford, and dying tragically in 2012. Warner’s The Aerodrome, a book that made a great impression on Stanley, is an allegorical novel whose dystopian vision was very influential on writers such as Orwell, Burgess and Ballard. In light of current affairs world-wide, including the rise of terrorism, listening secret states and drone warfare – symptomatic variously of a serious challenge to the democracy we too often take for granted – a rereading of Warner’s book, as the point of departure for such an exhibition, could not be more timely.

THE AERODROME was accompanied by a fully illustrated catalogue published by Ikon and Modern Art Oxford, featuring essays by artists David Austen, George Shaw, Carrie Stanley and Ikon’s Director Jonathan Watkins.

ON VIEW: 12th June – 8th September 2019