Patrons Circle

‘Speakers for Schools’, 2018–2019

In 2018-2019 Outset UK has been presenting at schools across the UK as part of the Speakers for Schools initiative, which helps state schools, colleges and academies inspire their students and broaden horizons through access to the insights, experiences and expertise of today’s leading figures through free talks.

The talks by Candida Gertler and Yves Blais gave the students an insight into the art sector, from art making to contemporary curating and arts management, as well as the structures that support the ecosystem such as private philanthropy. It offered students a space to consider new avenues and ask where they might see themselves being involved in the art sector or elsewhere in the future.

Candida presenting her story to our year 9 students was inspirational. It opened their eyes to the world of art far beyond the classroom. We all listened intently to her captivating delivery and her wider knowledge gave us all “food for thought”. It was so refreshing to meet someone so passionate about art.

Grainne Lennox, Art Curriculum Lead, Montgomery High School