As part of a multi-year collaboration between Outset and Modern Art Oxford, in 2011 Outset supported Roman Ondák‘s exhibition Time Capsule at Modern Art Oxford.
Ondák’s work has a conceptual and performative focus and at its core, an interest in transferring real life experiences into the context of art. For Time Capsule, Ondák expanded on this trajectory with two new works that referenced recent world events. Visitors to the Upper Galleries at Modern Art Oxford conceptually transported to particular sites, provoking us to question our perceptions of the spaces around us and to inhabit environments that have a strong resonance with the contemporary psyche. The first work, Time Capsule, made direct reference to the incident at the San José mine in Chile in 2010, in which 33 miners were trapped for 69 days. The second work, Stampede, reflected on the movement of people through spaces. For this work, Ondák staged a performance involving a large crowd of people prior to the exhibition, the traces of which were left evident in the Gallery.
ON VIEW: 12th March – 20th May 2011