In 2014 Outset England supported Open School East (OSE), a new space for artistic learning in the heart of Hackney. Launched in September 2013 OSE is located in the 1970s Rose Lipman building, a former library in East London. The non-accredited school provides 12 young artists with free studio spaces and a free study programme for one academic year.
The study programme is largely self-directed by the artists and includes workshops, lectures, seminars, tutorials and group critiques held by guest speakers and lecturers, amongst them well-known artists such as Pablo Bronstein and Ed Atkins. Central to Open School East’s approach is the commitment to foster cultural, intellectual and social exchange between artists and the broader public. The study programme is opened outwards, responding to the locality and providing an informal environment for the sharing of knowledge and skills across various communities – artistic, local and otherwise.
In return for free tuition and studio space, each of the 12 artists commits to play an active role in this public venture by devoting the equivalent of one day a month to community activities in the borough. Many of the school’s lectures and workshops run in the afternoon and evening to encourage local residents to join in. By collaborating with neighbourhood organisations and artists, Open School East aims to turn the Rose Lipman building into a shared activity space for social, intellectual and practical exchange.
Associates at Open School East are emerging artists with or without a BA, MA or formal artistic qualification, who are seeking to engage in a critical environment for artistic learning. The programme is aimed at practitioners with an ability to work collaboratively, to be self-directed, and to enter into a meaningful dialogue with local audiences. OSE associates are selected following a yearly open call advertised locally, nationally and internationally.