Israel Patrons Circle

Omer Fast‘Garage Sale’, 2022

Title Match is an annual exhibition organized by the SeMA, Buk-Seoul Museum of Art. Celebrating its ninth rendition, this year’s Title Match invites IM Heung-soon and Omer Fast who work both as visual artists and filmmakers, presenting the essence of their artistic worlds of wide-ranging themes and artistic forms.

M Heung-soon and Omer Fast premiered their new works in this exhibition, which are respectively titled The Waves and Garage Sale. These two works incorporate intimate and meta-elements in terms of framework, composition, content, and narrative technique. On the multi-channel screens, they unfold conceptual and complex thinking to explore the origin of the self and the world. 

Outset supported Omer Fast’s new video Garage Sale, 2022, 3-channel video installation.

Based on film, Omer Fast’s work crosses different genres, such as photography and painting. His work creates a dense cinematic space through the intense encounter between diverse techniques ranging from 3D to motion capture and how the subject matter is presented. These reinforce the aesthetic politicity of his work. As such, the works of IM Heung-soon and Omer Fast survey the mediatic characteristics of video and realize a vast aesthetic project that explores the possibility of an ethical subject from the ongoings of the times and individuals.

Commissioned by and Seoul Museum of Art.