In 2019 Yellow Brick presented “Nurseries of the unconscious. Desiring-productions and group fantasies”, the second episode of A Hollow Place. This unique project, curated by Christian Oxenius and Nikolas Ventourakis, invited four internationally acclaimed artists to inhabit, with a site-specific and original project, the space of a natural cave in the centre of Athens for one day. In its second edition the works were then presented as a collective exhibition hosted by Yellow Brick for an entire week, where the artists had the occasion to unfold additional reflections on their topics.
For this episode, Hera Büyüktasçian (TR), Viktorija Rybakova (LT), Augustus Veinoglou (GR) and Kostis Velonis (GR) were asked to engage with the concept of a nursery. This image served as a reflection on a complex space where, as new-borns, we encounter a non-familiar life and face the institutions and their bio-power for the first time. Simultaneously, however, these are spaces where we construct collective fantasies about new life and the infinite possibilities entailed therein, thus becoming an epitome of desires. The cave, as a space set aside from our everyday experiences, serves as a machine for the production and reflection on that same unconscious, that starts to develop from those very first days of life. It further aids to highlight contradictions and conflicts within the bio-power apparatus of our nation-sates.
May 15th, 6.30pm – 11pm (AHP), Augustus Veinoglou
May 22nd, 6.30pm – 11pm (AHP), Kostis Velonis
May 29th, 6.30pm – 11pm (AHP), Hera Buyuktascian
June 5th, 6.30pm – 11pm (AHP), Viktorija Rybakova
OPENING: 20th June 2019, 6.30pm – 11pm
ON VIEW: 21st June – 26th June 2019, 6.30pm – 11pm