Outset Professionals

Moshe Gershuni‘No Father No Mother’, 2014

Moshe Gershuni (born in 1936, Tel Aviv) is one of the most significant living Israeli artists. His existential oeuvre – a continuous project of more than forty years – is uncompromising, and his prolific production of paintings, drawings, and sculptures is extremely evocative. Both sensual and conceptual, emotional and critical, authentic and well-staged, Gershuni’s works transcend oppositions, infusing historical commemoration with the cathartic immediacy of the painterly act.

No Father No Mother is the first comprehensive solo exhibition at Neue Nationalgalerie dedicated to an Israeli artist. It is also Gershuni’s first significant solo exhibition in an European museum for more than thirty years. The title of the exhibition No Father No Mother is comprised of two negations. Taken from a painting (No Father No Mother, 1998), it delivers a confession, a negative reflection of rootlessness and discontinuity. Extensive yet open, the exhibition evades evolutionary, retrospective arrangements, periodical divisions and chronological orders, relating to Gershuni’s oeuvre as a vital, nonhierarchical entity, an ongoing activity.

Moshe Gershuni’s work Terrific Soldier was donated to the Verein Der Freunde der Nationalgalerie by the artists, Givon Art Gallery and Outset Contemporary Art Fund.