Outset Professionals

‘Kienholz: The Hoerengracht’, 2009

In 2009 Outset supported American artists Ed and Nancy Kienholz‘s ‘The Hoerengracht’ (1983–8), which transformed London’s National Gallery’s Sunley Room into a walk-through evocation of Amsterdam’s Red Light District.

This highly polemical tableau explored a theme that has been investigated by artists over many centuries and echoes visual traditions well established within European art.

Recalling in particular the Dutch masters of the 17th century, which are strongly represented in the National Gallery, ‘The Hoerengracht’ recreated the brick walls, glowing windows and mysterious doorways of Amsterdam’s claustrophobic streets. At the same time, the half-dressed, garishly lit mannequins of ‘The Hoerengracht’ revealed a theatre of grim sociology, filled with the most vulgar, ugly and ramshackle aspects of society.

ON VIEW: 18th November 2009 – 21st February 2010

Click here to read more about the exhibition.