Damien Hirst‘In The Darkest Hour There May Be Light’, 2006–2007

Outset provided support for the first public exhibition of Damien Hirst’s Murderme Collection at the Serpentine Galleries.

Hirst’s Murderme Collection began with the works he received from exchanges with his artist friends, such as Angus Fairhurst, Sarah Lucas and Mat Collishaw, which subsequently developed into a wider-ranging collection reflecting the development of Hirst’s artistic interests. The collection spans several generations of international artists, from Francis Bacon, John Bellany and Andy Warhol, to Jeff Koons, Angela Bulloch and Jim Lambie. Hirst also supports artists in earlier stages of their careers, such as Tom Ormond, Laurence Owen and Nicholas Lumb.

The exhibition featured over 60 works by more than 20 artists, including paintings, sculptures, photography and installations, displayed both inside and outside the gallery. The show offered a fascinating insight into Hirst’s collecting acumen and personal interests, as well as representing a cross section of some of the most interesting contemporary art on the market today. Hirst worked closely with Hans Ulrich Obrist and the Serpentine on the selection of works presented at the gallery.


Francis Bacon, Banksy, Don Brown, Angela Bulloch, John Currin, Angus Fairhurst, Tracey Emin, Steven Gregory, Marcus Harvey, Rachel Howard, John Isaacs, Michael Joo, Jeff Koons, Jim Lambie, Sean Landers, Tim Lewis, Nicholas Lumb, Sarah Lucas, Tom Ormond, Laurence Owen, Richard Prince, Haim Steinbach, Gavin Turk, Andy Warhol

Images: Installation view from the exhibition In The Darkest Hour There May Be Light: Works from Damien Hirst’s Murderme collection, Serpentine Gallery, London (25 November 2006 – 28 January 2007) Photograph © 2006 Stephen White