F.A.R. (Floor Area Ratio), a program presented by 3 137, maps the economic, cultural, and residential changes that have been taking place in the city while giving prominence to multiple narratives and images of both the past and the future of Athens. The program is developed in three consecutive, self-contained parts: It started in December 2020 with a communal web radio station and an artistic intervention in 3 137’s outdoor space; and it continues today with a series of artistic events and works in the public space of Athens.
A reference point as well as a source of inspiration, the city of Athens became a field of action hosting a series of artistic interventions in its public space. The first invitees of the F.A.R. II program were the artists Anastasia Diavasti and Dimitra Ioannou, with their work ‘Civil Disobedience’. The intervention was presented on the glass facade of an empty office space, on the first floor of the building on 57, Stadiou Street, close to Omonoia Square. The work highlighted the notion of civil disobedience, while it tried to evoke questions around its distortion.
3 137’s glass facade hosted a new installation by the artist Myrto Xanthopoulou. Her work titled ‘The Opposite of Falling’ covered all of 3 137’s windows. It was a grid made of masking tape and scotch tape; a composition of shapes and text. The work was a comment on light, certainties and permeability, footnotes or endnotes.
‘Civil Disobedience‘ by Anastasia Diavasti and Dimitra Ioannou:
OPENING DATE: 12th April 2021
ON VIEW: 12th April – 16th May 2021
OPENING HOURS: The artwork will be accessible 24/7.
LOCATION: Stadiou 57, 10551, Omonoia, Athens First floor, window display (Visible 24/7 from the conjunction of Stadiou and Aiolou streets)
‘The Opposite of Falling‘ by Myrto Xanthopoulou:
OPENING DATE: 10th May 2021
DURATION: 10th May – 10th June 2021
OPENING HOURS: The artwork will be accessible 24/7.
LOCATION: Mavromichali 137, Exarchia 114 72, Athens