Individual Donors

Outset Residency, 2018–2022

Through this Residency, Outset provided a studio and living accommodation to international artists, to help alleviate the necessary costs of housing an artist which so often burdens the budgets of London institutions, from emerging to the most established cultural institutions.

The residency space was designed by COOKING SECTIONS: a duo of spatial practitioners exploring the systems that organise the world through food. Using installation, performance, mapping and video, their research-based practice works between the overlapping boundaries between visual arts, architecture and geopolitics. The project investigated how to eat as humans change the climate and explored seasons of food production and consumption that react to increasingly evident man-induced alterations of the landscape.

The artists designed the Outset Residency London, featuring an archive of ‘non-native’ ‘invasive’ timbers, a pantry of proactive ingredients including filter-feeder seaweeds to clean ocean pollution, drought-resistant grains, nitrogen-fixing legumes for a season of soil exhaustion; a bar of distilled ocean purifiers and cordials from plants that can sink your mortgage; a moisture-respondent working surface; a set of stools to rebalance the ecologies of forests where carbon offsets are offsetting people; a library to understand us better if we consider more-than-human populations; a rug and a collection of textiles made out of fibres that extract heavy metals from the soil and a heat-recovery and pollution-absorbing garden.

The following artists were supported as part of the residency:

Rebecca Moccia
, in support of her project ‘Ministry of Loneliness’.
Leeroy New, in support of ‘The Arks of Gimokudan’ at Somerset House, London.

Itamar Asher
(and Charlie the snake), in support of research.
Sumayya Vally, in support of the Serpentine Pavilion 2021, Serpentine Gallery, London.

Melissa Blanchflower, in support of ‘Jennifer Packer: The Eye Is Not Satisfied With Seeing’ at Serpentine Gallery, London.
Oren Pinhassi, in support of ‘The Crowd’ at St. Cyprian’s Church, London.

Yahon Chang, in support of research.
Alistair Hudson, in support of Outset Partners’ Grants on behalf of The Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester.
Eileen Myles, in support of ‘Beatrice Gibson: Crone Music’ at Camden Arts Centre, London.
Maayan Sheleff, in support of the Reading International Festival.
Lenny Rébéré, in support of the DRAW Art Fair and Drawing Room.
Alexandra Pirici, in support of Block Universe.
Marc Bauer, in support of ‘Mal Être / Performance’ at Drawing Room.
Hadas Kedar, in support of research.

Karl Haendel, in support of ‘A Slice through the World: Contemporary Artists’ Drawings’ at Drawing Room.
Tommy Hafalla, in support of the publication ‘Ili’ at SOAS, London.
Maya Attoun, in support of ‘The Charms of Frankenstein’ at the Jewish Museum, London.
Yehudit Sasportas

Sarnath Banerjee, in support of ‘Annotations: 3’ at Drawing Room.