In 2019 Outset Greece supported the book launch of Aneducation Documents 14, introducing a chorus of voices that speak from different positions on aneducation, the educational program of Learning from Athens, documenta 14 which took place in Athens and Kassel in 2017.
Instead of objectives and overviews, target groups and outcomes, successes or failures, the program was determined by process and experience, encouraged dialogue and recognised knowledge not as a one-way transmission but as a form of a two-way exchange. One of the objectives of the program was listening and learning – listening and learning as an institution – being receptive and recognising the complexity of being present.
Forty-eight entries are organised alphabetically as a lexicon, each written by various members of the aneducation team and documenta 14 Chorus, as well as curators, artists, and educators who contributed to the program. The publication’s many points of departure present just as many desires for other sites of learning.
Production of event: Marina Miliou-Theocharaki, Elli Paxinou, Snehta Residency
EVENT DATE: 30th May 2019, 20.00-21.30