Yair Barak‘I'd Rather Not’, 2014Tel Aviv Museum Of Art
Israel / Israel Patrons Circle

The Urburb‘The Israeli Pavilion At The 14th International Architecture Exhibition’, 2014
Israel / Israel Patrons Circle

Assaf Gruber‘The Anonymity Of The Night’, 2014Akademie Der KÙnste , Berlin
Israel / Israel Patrons Circle

Yasmeen Godder‘Climax’, 2014Petach Tikva Museum Of Art
Israel / Israel Patrons Circle

Gabriel Klasmer‘the bubble’, 2014The Helena Rubinstein Pavilion For Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv
Israel / Israel Patrons Circle

Michal Helfman‘Change’, 2014CCA, Tel Aviv
Israel / Israel Patrons Circle

Guy Gutman, Josef Sprinzak‘ECHO: Voice Museum Action’, 2014Tel Aviv Museum of Art
Israel / Israel Patrons Circle